The inforrmation below was found and copied from a UK veterinary web site:Kentdale .
It can explain far better then I could, the problems with vet qualificartions and how missleading and confussing those letters your vet boasts are.
When we seek the help of a vet we do so with the best of intentions and in the hope and belief that our pet’s welfare will come first. It is however not always the case that the vet looking after your pet is experienced or as qualified as we may believe or have been led to believe When a vet displays his or her credentials we are very often misguidedly led into believing they have a wealth of experience and array of fully recognised qualifications.
The truth however is often very different for example BVMS MRVCS means they went to Glasgow university obtained their - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery , passed their degree and registered such with the royal veterinary college ie ,a member of the RCVS.
Suddenly not quite as impressive after all they passed their degree but at what level and was it with farm animals or small pets they trained?
Hopefully the information below will make things a little clearer and clarity in the UK really is needed
Unfortunately the veterinary referral market in the UK is almost completely unregulated. This means that any vet can set up a referral service and claim to be a specialist (they cannot however use the term Recognised Specialist). I am sure many people have noticed that vets (and many other professionals) often have a line of letters after their names that represent their individual qualifications. These are important indicators of experience and knowlege and may help you decide who is best placed to treat your animal. Unfortunately the use of these postnomials can often form a misleading smoke-screen that can be used to imply particular knowlege or skill that may not necessarily have been assessed. Please remember that having more letters after your name does not necessarily mean better qualified!
We firmly believe that where people are offering a service that is considered by the client to be specialised (this includes any referral service), that the vets who are providing the service should have undertaken sufficient specialist training and should have passed or be working towards the appropriate specialist level examinations. The following is a guide through the minefield of veterinary qualifications.
This stands for 'Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons' and means that the holder has passed an approved veterinary degree. Membership of the RCVS is a legal requirement for anyone to practice as a vet. Often people will also list their degrees separately which may appear as BVM&S, BVMS, BVSc, MAVetMB or BVetMed depending on which university was attended.
Further Qualifications
Following graduation, Vets may choose to study for further qualifications in particular areas of interest to them.
The first level of qualification is called a Certificate and may be awarded in many subjects including Small Animal Surgery (Cert SAS), Veterinary Ophthalmology (Cert VOpth), Small Animal Medicine (Cert SAM) etc. The purpose of the Certificate is to promote further study within first opinion practice. These qualifications indicate that the holder is competent in a particular subject when assessed at the level of a general practioner. It is important to realise that obtaining a certificate qualification may be a useful part of the journey towards specialisation, but it does not involve assessment to the level of a specialist. Indeed a certificate can be taken without any supervision or training from a specialist at all! Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, largely financial, some Certificate holders almost fraudulently (or at least naively) portray their Certificate to indicate that they are capable of undertaking referral work and are as capable or as knowlegable as a specialist. This is not necessarily the case. To further confuse the matter, there are a number of certificate qualifications proposed that are not recognised by the RCVS which may be listed as GP certificates (e.g. GP Cert SAS).
Internships and Residency Training
Often vets may wish to learn more from experienced colleagues and vets may undertake internships or residencies.
An internship is usually a one year post for relatively inexperienced vets who aim to gain a basic grounding in a particular subject. Typically interns rotate around the departments in a hospital and are involved with the day to day care of cases in the hospital. Interns generally observe treatments being performed by more experienced colleagues but do not generally perform complex procedures.
More experienced vets may choose to undertake a residency. Competition to be chosen for a residency position is fierce and these posts typically last for three years. During this time the resident will be involved with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of clinical cases including performing surgery under the strict supervision of a specialist. Clinical research is often undertaken during a residency, again under the supervision of their mentors This novel research is often needed to proceed to the next stage of qualifications. On satisfactory completion of a residency the candidate may be considered to be 'board eligible', meaning that they are able to proceed to sit the Diploma examination. We have decided that Kentdale will only consider employing a Veterinary Surgeon when they are board eligible and likely to pass the Diploma examination. Only by doing so can we ensure the very highest standard of expertise within our practice.
The diploma is the highest level of qualification available and indicates that the holder has attained a high standard of academic and clinical expertise in their chosen subject. It is not possible to sit the diploma examination without having served a suitable period of time under the direct supervision of a specialist. Many diplomas have additional requirements that may include the publication of groundbreaking clinical research or the production or a very detailed dissertation. The diploma is recognised as being the appropriate standard to indicate expertise to the level of a specialist. Diplomas are available in many subjects however the RCVS Diploma in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics) remains the only diploma level qualification solely in orthopaedics available in the world. The qualification is unique in that it requires knowlege of comparative orthopaedics (ie all species including man). Diplomas are abbreviated with a prefix starting with 'D' such as DSAS (Orth) which stands for the Diploma in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics). When an RCVS Diploma is awarded the RCVS direct the holder not to use their relevant certificate postnomial as it is assumed that this has been superceded.
Recognised Specialists
The RCVS maintains a list of recognised specialists in each subject area. Admission to this list is strictly controlled by the RCVS and requires a relevant diploma and strong references from other specialists in addition to sufficient points being earned for publications, lectures, teaching etc. Revalidation of recognised specialist status is usually needed every five years. Unless a vet is on the list, they cannot claim to be a recognised specialist. Simon has recently been admitted to the recognised specialist list that can be viewed at